Thursday, September 1, 2011


One benefits too much because the other loves too much? Isn’t that just unfair? I don’t believe that happiness in a relationship can be earned by giving too much to a partner. It is not just a give and take process; it’s an EQUAL give and take process. How can one be happy if he/she is the only one who understands their complexities? In a relationship, if you give something, you must also get something in return, if he/she’ll always wait for that, then it’s about time to think twice. Some people enjoys being so pampered but never appreciates it, that’s why they don’t give it back. Efforts should never be taken for granted; it’s simple, “if your partner doesn’t appreciate it, then maybe someone better than your partner will do, someone better must see your worth that is being wasted by your current companion”. It’s good to love, but to be pathetic because of love is way too much. I don’t believe in martyrdom just because it should not exist in a relationship that has an equal great love.

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